Sunday, August 9, 2009


My goal here is unusual for me. Generally I run websites solely to turn a profit. Not this. This one will just be a place for me to open up. It will be our little secret.

Just as a note:

The mind is a very strange place. The things we feel and the things we imagine may go against the core beliefs of society. Before you judge me, look inside yourself. If you can honestly say that everything you keep inside is 100% normal and would be accepted by everyone you know, then judge away. If however, like me, you bottle up emotions and hide them from friends and family; can you really say that I am that different?

Starting Up

Sure, I could just as easily run a real blog. Sure, I could just as easily host one myself. But frankly, I don't want to pay another ten bucks for a new domain when I own so many already. So I'll just keep the personal stuff here, away from the business

Thursday, July 10, 2008 has been collecting thousands of demotivational posters from all over the internet.
You can submit your own demotivational posters, or flip through our poster gallery for loads of laughs. Its basically a copy of to even out the traffic. has been collecting thousands of demotivational posters from all over the internet. You can submit your own demotivational posters, or flip through our poster gallery for loads of laughs.